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MONO - Minivolt Instruments S.r.l.
High realiability coagulometer able to perform PT, aPTT and Fibrinogen
PT: results are given in seconds, Ratio, Quick%, INR
 aPTT: Results are given in seconds and Ratio. Programmable incubation time.
FIBRINOGEN:  Results are given in seconds and concentration (mg/dL). 
Heatiing plate with  14 sample seats and 2 reagent seats.
Three different algorithms for clot detection allows Mono to work with every kind of reagent.
Mono Brochure Mono Brochure [58 Kb]


BICO - Minivolt Instruments S.r.l.
  Same features of Mono. And more: 2 measuring channels, Heating plate with 44 sample seats and 8 reagent seats. 24 column thermal printer LCD display 2 rows 40 columns. Two programs added: TT and Factor to perform every clot based test. Serial connection to a computer. 
Bico Brochure Bico Brochure [79 Kb]