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Home » Mixers / Water » Distilled Water

Distilled Water

M3 Deionizer

M3 Deionizer - Minivolt Instruments S.r.l.
Simple deionizer wall mounted able to produce small quantities of deionized water. Useful for all the necessities of a small laboratory. A conductivity meter shows to the operator the quality of the produced water. able to produce up to 60 liters of deionized water.

M18 Deionizer

M18 Deionizer - Minivolt Instruments S.r.l.
Deionizer able  to produce medium quantities of deionized water. The two prefilters remove particulate and organic solvents. Two cartridges of 18 Literes of resin are able to produce up to 1400 liters of deionized water. Bar graph LED Conductivitymeter shows to the operator the quality of the produced water and indicates when cartridges are exaust.

M18/S Deionizer

M18/S Deionizer