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Where we are - Minivolt Instruments S.r.l.

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About us

About us - Minivolt Instruments S.r.l.

Our company produces laboratory equipment from more than 30 years. A dinamic staff can support you to use and repair our instruments. Due to our little structure, we are very flexible in the particular necessities of our customers.


Mechanics - Minivolt Instruments S.r.l.

Una nostra officina attrezzata con macchine e plotter a controllo numerico, ci permette di eseguire le prototipazioni in modo autonomo e la realizzazione dei particolari costituenti le nostre apparecchiature


electronics - Minivolt Instruments S.r.l.
We produce and repair our printed circuit boards. We develop inside our structure the new projects and we can support our customer to repair our equipment.


Experiments - Minivolt Instruments S.r.l.
We are developing a new class of automated equipment to perform coagulation analysis and electrophoresis analisys. We hope that in the future our customer will replace our manual equipment with these new automated machines